We're here to help.
CITRC may receive referrals from sources including but not limited to hospitals, local/federal prosecutorial offices, local/federal law enforcement agencies, traditional victim serving agencies and other mental health agencies. Individuals may also refer self-refer.

How to Refer to Us
CITRC may receive referrals from sources including but not limited to hospitals, local/federal prosecutorial offices, local/federal law enforcement agencies, traditional victim serving agencies and other mental health agencies.
For your convenience, referral forms are available for download below. The referring agent may complete the form and submit to CITRC at ciowatrc@gmail.com or contact staff and he/she will complete the referral information.
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm Call the CITRC Administrative Office at 515.244.5372
Evenings and weekends: Call 515.644.2232 or submit via email at ciowatrc@gmail.com
Referrals are appropriate if the person(s):
Is ≥ 18 years of age
Is a resident of Polk, Marion, Story, Jasper, Warren, Madison, Dallas, Marshall, and Boone Counties in Iowa
​Is a victim of a violent crime within the last three (3) years, including but not limited to:​
Human Trafficking
Sexual Assault, Domestic Assault or Physical Assault
​Is Uninsured or Underinsured
Has circumstances that create substantial barriers to accessing mental health services
Is not already receiving mental health services